Here you can learn about our newest activities, publications, and awards. 02.03.2017 Moulding Expo 2017 Stuttgart 30th of Mai – 2th June: Visit us at the International Trade Fair for Tool, Pattern and Mould Making! 21.10.2016 Euromold 2016 Munich 25-27. October: Visit us at the World Fair for Mold- and Patternmaking, Tooling, Design, Additive Manufacturing and Product Development. 04.02.2015 IF DESIGN AWARD The “ArtGuardian Sensor System” received an iF DESIGN AWARD in 2015. 11.12.2014 Plus PLUS – Production of circuit boards and systems. Article about mobile scanners developed at the Fraunhofer IZM which included RFKombiscan 10.10.2009 22inbewegung Streamliner – Publication containing 22 mobility projects of the Product Design Department at the Kunsthochschule Weißensee. 31.08.2009 design report “Designer and Engineer” :”The Dream of flying”