RFKombiscan is a high precision optical measurement device that delivers instant Information about the contamination of food if it is edible and how long it will remain edible under certain conditions Read more

- Fraunhofer IZM
- 2014
- Construction
- Design
- Prototype
Food Scanner for Fraunhofer IZM
RFKombiscan is a high precision optical measurement device that delivers instant Information about the contamination of food if it is edible and how long it will remain edible under certain conditions.
This replaces the necessity for the food industry to engage scientific Institutions to analyze samples and allows to test a greater amount of products. Furthermore the procedure lowers the costs for quality assurance and enables immediate reactions according to the results.
The system may be used as a hand-held device with a predefined set of measurement routines and hands free using a base station and a computer enabling more detailed scientific settings in a laboratory environment and improving usability with a motorized sample tray.