We see the design process as a comprehensive development operation that is based on close exchange with you as a client and keeping implications for the mechanical design in mind.  more

Product Design

All visually and haptically perceivable aspects play a role in our design.

Based on our design philosophy we have been able to win several international design awards in the past. Great usability and user experience of your product are just as important to us as an aesthetic shape and a mechanical design concept that is applicable for serial production.

During the first phase of design we present you with several options based on your briefing. They are discussed together, your feedback is gathered and used to determine further steps and a more detailed outline to finish the design. This way you can make a selection and voice your wishes before a final CAD model is produced by us.

Existing component geometry as well as other technical guidelines and restrictions are taken into account during design to assure that we can develop feasible results for the following mechanical design phase.